CHODHWAN (DI KHAN): Three days before the General Elections, a group of 30 heavily armed militants attacked the Police Station from three directions here 3am on Monday (5th Feb, 2024), the ensuing 150 minute-gun-battle claimed lives of ten cops (Kausar, Ehteram, Rafiullah, Hameed-ul-Haq, Mohammad Aslam, Ghulam Farid, Mohammad Javed, Mohammad Idrees, Mohammad Imran and Mansoor).

Six Policemen (including SHO Chodhwan) who got injured, are Ahmad Hussain, Akbar Zaman, Inayatullah, Sohrab Khan, Ibrahim and Naseeb Khan. According to details the militants, after sniping those guarding premises’ exterior, entered the Police Station and opened fire, besides lobbing grenades. Following the attack troops took security duties around the PS and commenced clearing operation in the nearby forests.

HRCP, taking to the X (Twitter), reminded the authorities of their responsibility to curb the increasing terrorist attack in KP.
“Which have inflicted huge casualties on police personnel.
“A fundamental policy shift to protect citizens is the need of the hour”.

DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Snap shows namaz-e-janaza being offered at Police Lines on the evening of Monday (5th of Feb, 2024). ________________________________