FARNBOROUGH (UK): On the 4th day (25th July, 2024) of the FIA, Airbus announced an order of 90 aircraft (75 A320neo and 15 A330neo) by Saudi (low-cost) carrier flynas.

FARNBOROUGH (UK): On the 4th day (25th July, 2024) of the FIA, Airbus announced an order of 90 aircraft (75 A320neo and 15 A330neo) by Saudi (low-cost) carrier flynas. Airbus CEO for Commercial Aircraft, Christian Scherer, signed the agreement with flynas CEO and MD Bandar Almohanna as well as Chairman of the NAS Holding parent group, Ayed Al Jeaid. Also present was H.E. Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Duailej, the President of the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of Saudi Arabia.
According to sources the widebody A330-90 will be delivered in a two-class configuration, harboring up to 400 passengers, and be utilized to facilitate flynas‘ growth plans in the long haul sector. Following the flynas deal, Abra group also inked an MoU for five A350-900s.
Organizers invite, every two years, the aerospace, aviation and defense industries to Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre for one of the world’s premier airshows. FIA 2024 harboring 27 international country pavilions, was covered by 1,629 accredited Media personnel; attracted 74,780 visitors from 102 countries; 1,262 exhibitors from 44 countries; and 250 civil, military and space delegations.