KARACHI: G M Jamali President Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem, while condemning the murder of Daily Khabrain journalist by unknown motorcyclists on Wednesday (15th May, 2024) have demanded the Govt of Punjab to immediately arrest the killers and pay compensation to the bereaved family.
Brussels-based International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)* General Secretary Anthony Bellanger stated: “Journalists and Media workers in Pakistan are under constant threat, and the tragic killing of Mehar Ashfaq Siyal must be subject to a thorough and transparent investigation. The Pakistani government must fulfill its duty in safeguarding journalists, honor its constitutional and international commitments to press freedom, and ensure that those responsible do not escape with impunity.”
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif has issued orders for a comprehensive report from the IGP regarding the incident. Siyal is the second Pakistani journalist killed in May, and the fourth killed in 2024. Muhammad Siddique Mengal was killed on 3rd of May after an unidentified individual placed and detonated an explosive device in his vehicle.
* IFJ represents 600,000 journalists in 150 countries.