ISLAMABAD: Rendering the FIA’s Cyber Crime Wing as defunct, Federal Government has established National Cyber Crimes Investigation Agency (NCCIA), on Friday (3rd May, 2024).
The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication has issued an official notification apropos abolition of the FIA’s Cyber-Crime Wing and explained that the Federal Government had taken the decision exercising powers conferred by section 51 (read with section 29) of the Prevention of Electronic Crime Act (Peca), 2016.
According to The Ministry of Information Technology notification: “There shall hereby stand established the National Cyber Crime Investigation Agency (NCCIA) to exercise jurisdiction under the Act [Prevention of Electronic Crime Act, 2016] and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) shall cease to perform functions as designated investigation agency under the Act...
“NCCIA shall consist of a director general, additional director general, directors, additional directors, deputy, directors, assistant, directors and such other officers, as the director general may determine.” It is pertinent to mention here that the Federal Cabinet, under the caretaker government, had approved the NCCIA in December to take over Cybercrime investigations from the FIA.