KARACHI: Members of the Hindu community all over the world are observing two-day-long Holi (Festival of Color) marking the arrival of spring, celebrating fertility, love, and triumph of good over evil.
Since Holi is celebrated following the lunar calendar, its dates change year on year. Holi has been mentioned in classic literature. For instance, 4th-century poetry as well as prose like Ratnaval (a 7th-century play).
Holi is an event that has two parts: First day it is observed as Holika Dahan and second day it is celebrated as Rangwali Holi.
Holika Dahan: According to Hindu scriptures god Vishnu helped burn the devil Holika to death. Hence a symbolic pyre is ignited on the first day of Holi symbolically signifying the triumph of good over evil.
Rangwali Holi: It is celebrated the next morning. People, drenched in water, throw gulal (colored powder) on each other.