KARACHI: President PFUJ GM Jamali has strongly condemned the harassment of Editor The Nation Mansoor Ahmed Khan and News Editor Daily Amn Shabbar Azmi by personnel of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).
President PFUJ G. M. Jamali, while maintaining that continuous harassment by LEAs was a conspiracy aimed at intimidating journalists in order to suppress Freedom of Expression, has demanded the Chief Minister and Inspector General Sindh to take notice of the recent two incidences and instigate immediate action against those involved.
According to details Editor of The Nation Mansoor Ahmed Khan was nabbed from near his home while Daily Amn’s Shabbar Azmi was held during a raid at his house conducted during the night and was kept in custody blind-folded for eight hours. It is pertinent to mention here that Shabbar Azmi is suffering from epilepsy for quite a long time.
A relevant piece published earlier: