WASHINGTON: Following the arrest of Abbey Gate Kabul airport bomber Mohammad Sharifullah, US State Dept has warned its citoyens against travel to Pakistan.
The level 3 travel advisory issued by the American Bureau of Consular Affairs, warns: “Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting transportation hubs, markets, shopping malls, military installations, airports, universities, tourist attractions, schools, hospitals, places of worship, and government facilities”.
The level has been augmented to 4 for LoC with India, Balochistan & KP (sharing border with Afghanistan). It is pertinent to mention here that militants had carried out 96% of attacks in Balochistan and KP. Travellers have been told about possible attempt to murder, kidnap and attacks by active terrorists groups in this region.

US State Dept advised Americans in Pakistan to:
Check local media for breaking events. Be prepared to adjust your plans.
Vary travel routes and timing.
Stay aware of your surroundings, particularly around public markets, restaurants, police installations, places of worship, and government and military institutions.
Avoid demonstrations and crowds.
Have evacuation plans that do not rely on US government assistance.
Keep travel documents up to date and easily accessible.
Get comprehensive medical insurance that includes medical evacuation.
Review local laws and conditions before travelling.
Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones.
Develop a communication plan with family, your employer or host organisation.
Enrol in the Smart Traveller Enrolment Program (STEP) to receive security alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
Review the Country Security Report for Pakistan.
Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations.
Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel and return to the US.