HYDERABAD: The management of the University of Sindh has gone ahead with making its student attendance system public through open online access.
According to the new system, the university spokesman informed here Friday that everyone including students and their parents would be able to check attendance of any of the regular students and students could also view their own attendance any time.
The process of marking and archiving computerized student attendance had begun way back with the intent for its online release taking place instantly. In the context, a meeting with deans of teaching faculties and other academic and administrative officers was held to formally launch the system.
The Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr. Fateh Muhammad Burfat said “The online attendance system is a colossal break-through as it makes the entire process of students’ attendance not only efficient, transparent and public but also foolproof,” he observed.
The meeting also reviewed the progress of uploading student results and testimonials for easy public access, which was said to be take off.
The meeting eulogized the efforts of IT Services Centre team led by its Director Dr. Yasir Arafat Malkani upon this major step ahead.