KARACHI: Due to violence before and during 2024 general elections, plus anomalies including incarceration of PTI founder Imran Khan just before the polls, Pakistan’s score dropped from 3.25 in 2023 to 2.84 last year in the democracy index of Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).
It may be recalled that according to Fafen last year’s polls saw the highest voter turnout in the country’s history. HRCP, while manifesting their concerns apropos reliability pointed out that:
1) Internet was shut down on polling day;
2) Mobile services were suspended on polling day;
3) Insufficient/confusing information apropos polling stations;
4) Delay in results’ announcement;
5) Dubious post-polling process;
6) No pictures of polls’s results were sent to POs;
7) POs did not display statement for public;
8) Results announced did not tally with the result of RO or ECP;
9) Poling agents were not allowed to view the consolidation of results;
10) Forms had been altered.