KARACHI: The Shab-e-Baraat (Night of Forgiveness that falls on the 15th of Sha’baan of the Islamic calendar) is being observed by Muslims with zeal on Sunday (25th Feb, 2024) night.

According to Islamic teachings Creator of the universe forgives sins of those who ask for repentance on this night when the destiny (date of birth/death, health and wealth etc) also descends from the heavens.
In Pakistan an enormous number of people go to the the graveyards to wash the graves of their relatives, put flowers on them and pray for the departed souls.
To make sure that no untoward incident occurs, the LEAs make special arrangements, particularly around the graveyards.
Governmental as well as non-governmental religious organisations arrange Mahafil-e-Qirat/Hamd-o-Naat/Durood-o-Salam and seminars at different venues including mosques.
In recent past it was a ritual to prepare halwa at home and share it with neighours. Philanthropists distribute meals seeking mercy of Allah Almighty in this world and hereafter.