TEHRAN: Protesting against the country’s dress code, a young female pupil identified as Ahoo Daryaei stripped to her underwear at a branch of the Islamic Azad University here on Saturday (2nd November, 2024).

It is clear from a video posted on Social Media that Ahoo Daryaei was detained by University security guards. She was taken to a Police Station from where transferred to a treatment centre.
Govt. Spokesperson Fatemeh Mohajerani maintained: “Instead of viewing this issue under a security lens, we are rather looking at it with a social lens and seek to solve the problems of this student as a troubled individual.”
Amnesty International (Iran) has taken to the X (Twitter) to state: “Authorities must protect her from torture and other ill-tratment and ensure access to her famioy and a lawyer. Allegations of beatings and sexual violence during arrest need independent and impartial investigations. Those responsible must be held to account.”
