KARACHI (UNESCO): The ability to think is one of the most defining features of humankind.
In different cultures, the definition of humanity is associated with concepts such as consciousness, knowledge and reason.
According to the classic western tradition, human beings are defined as “rational” or “logical animals”.
Logic, as the investigation on the principles of reasoning, has been studied by many civilizations throughout history and, since its earliest formulations, logic has played an important role in the development of philosophy and the sciences.
Despite its undeniable relevance to the development of knowledge, sciences and technologies, there is little public awareness on the importance of logic.
The proclamation of World Logic Day by UNESCO, in association with the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), intends to bring the intellectual history, conceptual significance and practical implications of logic to the attention of interdisciplinary science communities and the broader public.
At the dawn of this new decade – indeed, now more than ever – the discipline of logic is utterly vital to our societies and economies.
Computer science and digital technology, which provide the structure for today’s ways of life, are rooted in logical and algorithmic reasoning.
The ability to think and logic are part of our most defining features and the foundation of all sciences.
Despite its undeniable relevance to the development of knowledge, sciences and technologies, there is little public awareness on the importance of logic.