PARIS: Miss Arooj Mehwish Rizvi, the Trade & Investment Counselor at the Pakistani diplomatic post here, represented Pakistan at the Int’l Potato Day Celebrations at the French Ministry of Agriculture.

Arooj Mehwish Rizvi met Marc Fesneau Minister for Agriculture of France, (who led the proceedings).
They discussed the potential of France-Pakistan cooperation in promoting high yield Potato seed / its technology transfer to Pakistan.

Ongoing cooperation between Agriculture Ministry France & Pakistan’s Department of Plant Protection was also highlighted.
French Minister for Agriculture Marc Fesneau talked about bilateral trading potential in the Agri sector. Trade & Investment Counselor told the French Minister about of the expected visit during June 2024 of the Inspecting DPP team.

On the sidelines the Counselor exchanged notes with Bernard Quere Director (National Des Producteurs De Plants De Pomme De Terre), Sylvain Halftermeyer (Secretary General Semae Arnoud Delacour , President GIPT) and Ms. Sophie De Bodisco British Embassy’s Head of Agriculture, Food & Drink.