ISLAMABAD: ECC on Wednesday (15th May, 2024) approved the summary for provision of Rs. 23 billion as an additional grant for AJK government.
Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb chaired the meeting of the ECC.
The ECC gave approval to the summary for “Provision of Rs. 23 Billion as Additional Grant to the AJ&K Government” through Technical Supplementary Grant as proposed by the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan.
Secretary Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan briefed the Committee that during a high-level meeting held on Monday, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif, had authorized an additional grant of Rs. 23 Billion to the Government of AJ&K, in the paramount national interest.
The Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue, Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb presided over a meeting of the ECC of the Cabinet.