ISLAMABAD/LAHORE/KARACHI: May (2024) is the month when second France Alumni Day of International Graduates is being observed in the Hexagon as well as all over the globe (at different dates).
The France Alumni Day of International Graduates program includes a number of projects.
For this 2nd edition, the French Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan-France Business Alliance, Campus France Pakistan and France Alumni Pakistan will host all Pakistanis who got a part of their Education and professional training in France on the occasion of three networking events for meeting each other and discussing with Embassy representatives, companies & key people in the following cities:
• Karachi on Monday 20th May, 2024
• Lahore on Wednesday 22nd May, 2024
• Islamabad on Friday 24th May, 2024
The events in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore will open with a welcome speech given by respectively H.E. Nicolas Galey, Ambassador of France to Pakistan, Mr. Alexis Chahtahtinsky, Consul General of France in Karachi and Mr. Habib Anwar, Honorary Consul of France in Lahore.
Panel discussion with Alumni and companies will be moderated by the Higher Education and Scientific Attaché of the French Embassy in Pakistan.
The Head of Economic Department of the French Embassy will also attend and bring his expertise during the panel.
Those events will be an opportunity to promote the career of Alumni and to show the role that their academic education in France played in these career choices.
Values and skills like evolving in a multicultural environment, resilience and challenge-oriented mindset are at the heart of the education project provided in France and are the key asset of our alumni network, which represents a reservoir of talent to be put in contact with promising careers offered by the private sector.
In Pakistan, large French companies like L’Oréal, Schneider Electric, Total Energies, Alstom are actively looking for talents ready to pursue global careers and are offering the opportunities of career growth through international mobility.

PARIS: Main event, involving alumni, was held on Wednesday (15th of May, 2024) at the Quai d’Orsay (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs).
Such celebrations are scheduled to take place at different venues in France and will be coordinated by academic institutions and alumni networks, as well as actions organized by French embassies, consulates and Campus France spaces internationally – meetings, competitions, seminars.

PARIS: France Alumni Day was launched on the initiative of Catherine Colonna, the former Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
The day is organized worldwide by Campus France, which coordinates and develops the network France Alumni since its creation in 2014.
Observing France Alumni Day in Pakistan (2023 Report)
KARACHI: May (2023) is the month when first ever France Alumni Day of International Graduates is being observed in the Hexagon as well as all over the globe (at different dates).
In France, the World Day of Int’l Graduates from the French Higher Education from all the countries is scheduled to be celebrated at a special gathering hosted by the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Mrs Catherine Colonna at the Ministry on Tuesday (23rd of May, 2023).
In Pakistan, the French Embassy, Campus France Pakistan and France Alumni Pakistan will host all Pakistanis who got a part of their Education and professional training in France on the occasion of three networking events for meeting each other and discussing with Embassy representatives, companies & key people in the following cities:
Karachi on Friday (19th of May, 2023);
Islamabad on Saturday (20th of May, 2023);
Lahore on Sunday (28th of May, 2023).
The events in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore will open with a welcome speech given respectively by H.E. Nicolas Galey Ambassador of France to Pakistan, Monsieur Alexis Chahtahtinsky Consul General of France in Karachi and Habib Anwar Honorary Consul of France in Lahore.
The Higher Education and Scientific Attaché of the French Embassy in Pakistan and the Campus France Pakistan officer will present the French Alumni Network in Pakistan.
Outstanding Pak-France Alumni will then be invited to share their life and success stories.
There will also be time for alumni to network with representatives from the French community, corporate and academic sectors.
PS: Launched on the initiative of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Mrs Catherine Colonna, France Alumni Day is organized worldwide by Campus France, which coordinates and develops the network France Alumni since its creation in 2014.
Gleanings of the event held at AFK in 2023:
France Alumni Day was held at AFK on Friday (19th of May, 2023) which provided a unique opportunity to Alumni and Academia celebrate their French Connection.