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Socio-Economic integration program for 100 Sub-Saharan migrants


Founded in Tangier in June 2012, APSOPAD International, by its “long” name in french, Association Pour le Sourire des Orphelins, des Personnes Abandonnés, des Personnes Âges et Des Démunis International is an NGO under Moroccan law working in humanitarian innovation.

Nowadays, it has established an entirely financially and politically independent organizational model that it is trying to export internationally, which has enabled it, among other things, to partially take care of around 1400 families in social precariousness.

To this end, the association has undertaken a diversification strategy in terms of beneficiaries insofar as it works both with people in difficult situations, all sub-categories included, but also with people with specific needs.

As such, the organization founded and chaired by Professor Ahmed Iraqi has made from education its strategic domain of activity, more particularly through the training of Moroccan social workers but also foreigners through social action cycles which generate the essential funds to the organization.

As of today, more than 450 social workers of 15 different nationalities have been trained by the APSOPAD Institute. Also, through its social leadership academy, the NGO organizes annually, free of charge, a national certification training whose purpose is the empowerment of Moroccan humanitarian associations and clubs.

In the same sense of idea, the association allows each year direct beneficiaries it selects to benefit from full scholarships in order to integrate its training courses in social action and ultimately find stable employment in an organization with social vocation.

Furthermore, still in terms of education, the organization has initiated school support and upgrading programs based on alternative pedagogy for the benefit of its beneficiaries, depending on the innovative actions it undertakes, in particular within the framework of the laboratory of research in social innovation that it has set up. In the meantime,

APSOPAD International advocates professional humanitarian volunteering seeking to maximize the impact of voluntary actions with a view to professionalization on the basis of a scientific benchmark in the area that it’s trying to share and promote.

In this regard, since its foundation, the work of the association has resolutely rested on the volunteer work of its members despite the impression given by its structure based in Tangier. Today, with the rise of digitalization, APSOPAD seeks to develop a disruptive strategy among humanitarian associations by promoting digital volunteering and humanitarian intervention online.

Finally, the activities of the association have always remained unknown to the general public, despite their innovative aspect, like the concept of humanitarian tourism and the drawing by beneficiary children of the largest national flag ever painted by hand on fabrics (Flag of Morocco on 65 m² of fabric).

That said that anonymity was a strategic choice that the NGO has considered and applied since its foundation and this to take the time to build and put in place a unique and solid associative model ” made in Morocco ” before putting it in the spotlight.

French version: 

L’ONG APSOPAD International achève la première phase du programme d’intégration socio-économique de 100 migrants subsahariens résidants à Tanger

Consciente de la transition migratoire qui fait désormais du Maroc un pays d’accueil à côté de son perpétuel statut de terre de transit vu sa position géographique en tant que trait d’union entre l’Afrique et l’Europe, l’ONG APSOPAD International a engagé dans le cadre de son école ‘’APSOPAD School’’ un programme d’intégration socio-économique au profit de 100 migrants subsahariens résidants sur la ville de Tanger. Celui-ci vise à accompagner la dynamique des flux migratoires qui a succédé à la nouvelle politique migratoire marocaine mise en œuvre à travers la stratégie nationale d’immigration et d’asile lancée en 2013.

La première phase de ce programme, d’une durée avoisinant 5 mois, consistait à offrir aux bénéficiaires qui provenaient de 11 pays africains différents et dont plus de 60% sont des femmes, une formation intensive en Langue Darija outre une formation en montage de projets commerciaux et en techniques de vente à l’issue de laquelle 50 participants des plus méritants ont obtenu un certificat d’aptitudes en gestion des micro-activités génératrices de revenus lors d’une cérémonie organisée le 20 Décembre 2019 à Tanger ‘’APSOPAD Graduation Ceremony’’.

La sélection des bénéficiaires lauréats s’est faite sur la base du taux d’assiduité durant les cours étant donné que l’ONG prône la qualité et l’exigence de la rigueur au niveau de ses activités et en particulier ses programmes de formation. La deuxième phase du programme comprend le lancement d’un magasin communautaire multi-commerces sur la ville de Tanger.Au-delà de l’originalité de l’idée qui repose essentiellement sur l’africanité des biens et services offerts, sa particularité réside dans le style de management communautaire mis en place ainsi que les normes qualité envisagées par APSOPAD et ce selon les standards internationaux en la matière.

À cet effet, l’ONG aspire à promouvoir le projet dans toutes ses phases et plus particulièrement après son inauguration effectiveen développant la notoriété et l’image de marque du magasin. À ce propos, le PDG d’APSOPAD International, le professeur Ahmed Iraqi, a rappelé lors de la cérémonie de remise des certificats aux futurs commerçants et cogérants du projet, que des communautés de migrants subsahariens ont déjà réussi le pari de l’intégration socio-économique au royaumeà l’image des boutiques et des centres de beauté ouverts et gérés par des colocataires subsahariens au Centre commercial du Twin center de Casablanca.Dans le même sens d’idée, le professeur Iraqi a mis l’accent sur la valeur de la solidarité en tant que pivot de réussite de tout projet communautaire.Paris Ateeq 1

News Pakistan


M M Alam

M. M. Alam is a Pakistan-based working journalist since 1981. Karachi University faculty gold medalist Alam began his career four decades ago by writing for Dawn, Pakistan’s highest circulating English daily. He has worked for region’s leading publications, global aviation periodicals including Rotors (of USA) and vetted New York Times as permanent employee of daily Express Tribune. Alam regularly covers international aviation and defense-related events including Salon Du Bourget (France), Farnborough (United Kingdom), Dubai (UAE). Alam has reported thousands of events and interviewed hundreds of people in Pakistan, UAE, EU, UK and USA. Being Francophone Alam also coordinates with a number of French publications.